Ottawa Acupuncture clinic Vajarov
We do more than acupuncture.
“Health is the greatest of all possessions; a pale cobbler is better than a sick king.”
Jonathan Swift
In addition to our Acupuncture services we offer Holistic / Complementary/ medicine services to address all of your healthcare needs. This is what sets us apart from traditional Acupuncture clinics. We developed an original blend of Alternative Medicine health analysis and healing techniques in our integrative medicine practice. Below are brief descriptions of the integrative medicine services available ( but not limited to this list ) to you:
Medical Iridology
Muscle Response Test
Bach Flower Medicine
Four Season Therapy
Total Body Modification / TBM
Contact Reflex Analysis / CRA
Reconnective Healing / Bioenergy Therapy
Lang Autoimmune Solution Techniques
Allergy Testing and Eliminations
Gua Sha
Dry Cupping
Wet Cupping / Al – Hijamah
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Krassimir Vajarov R.Ac. ( MD in Bulgaria),
Naturotherapist (Gatineau, Quebec), Acupuncturist (30+ years)