Your Holistic Alternative!
Established in 1992, Vajarov Acupuncture Clinic is one of the most trusted acupuncture clinics in Ottawa.The founder of the acupuncture clinic, Krassimir Vajarov has practiced at both the Vajarov Acupuncture Clinic in Ottawa and the Eyes on Health Clinic in Gatineau. In addition to his principal activity as an acupuncturist, he promotes better health in Ottawa through the following interventions in which he has received intensive training: phytotherapy (herbal medicine), allergy elimination, reconnective healing (channeling the body’s natural energies), contact reflex analysis (analyzing physical and nutritional needs), and iridology (studying changes to the iris of the eye to detect changes in health patterns).
The patients of Krassimir Vajarov, D. Ac., benefit from a multi-disciplinary tradition of alternative medicine. In essence, the Clinic offers a balanced approach to pain management, wellness and well-being